How to find the FHV campus

Infos about address, maps, arrivals and contacts


Our campus is located in the heart of Dornbirn and is easily accessible by public transport. There is also a limited number of paid parking spaces available. Address, Google Maps coordinates, campus map and more can be found here.

FHV address 

The main building of the FHV, Building U, is located at the following address:

FHV - University of Applied Sciences
Campus V, Hochschulstraße 1
6850 Dornbirn

If you use Google Maps you will find the main building directly here: FHV auf Google Maps.


FHV campus map

Since the FHV campus is divided into several buildings and parking spaces, we have created a campus map to help you find your way.

Campus plan, FHV plan, building plan | © FHV
FHV Campusplan


No matter where you are traveling from - whether near or far, we have summarized the most important information and links for you here: