Technology-based education in nursing
Against the backdrop of a cross-border labor market, the education and continuing education of nursing professionals must be met with a transnational and didactically as well as technologically innovative approach.
The nursing education of the future, and thus the health care of the population, faces great challenges. The demand for nursing professionals in the Lake Constance region will increase dramatically in the coming years and can already no longer be adequately met with adequately qualified
In all likelihood, these requirements can no longer be met with traditional curricula at place-based universities.
The didactics of this project therefore follow completely new approaches to location-independent learning with the almost unlimited possibilities of digitization, and in doing so also take particular account of the possibilities for learning at the workplace.

Project Partners
- Careum University of Applied Sciences Zurich
- University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, St. Gallen
- HTWG Konstanz
The CareTrain project is funded by the Interreg program "Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein", whose resources are provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Swiss Confederation.
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