Wellness diary for kids
The well-being of children is crucial to the future viability of our society. In order to pay attention to this, information is needed about children's life satisfaction as well as their participation in the design of factors influencing their well-being. By guiding children to purposeful self-observation, both can be achieved.
Diaries are often used for this purpose. The trend toward digitization does not stop here either, as the increased emergence of digital diaries shows. However, especially in connection with information about personal well-being, trustworthy handling of the data is extremely important. For this reason, a dedicated well-being diary has been developed for Vorarlberg.
All data in the diary remain anonymous. The data will be statistically analyzed by the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences to publish statements about the well-being of groups with general population characteristics. This is done following the studies on the well-being of children in Vorarlberg conducted in 2008 and 2013.

Project partners
Academy for Positive Psychology
Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government
University of Education Vorarlberg