Cross-media communication
Degree programme | InterMedia |
Subject area | Design |
Type of degree | Bachelor Full-time Summer Semester 2025 |
Course unit title | Cross-media communication |
Course unit code | 025218046010 |
Language of instruction | English |
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) | Elective |
Teaching hours per week | 4 |
Year of study | 2025 |
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum | |
Number of ECTS credits allocated | 7 |
Name of lecturer(s) | Petra ECKELMANN, Edmont GRUBER, Michael MARTE , Sarah SCHLATTER, Christoph SKOFIC |
- Media channels and platforms, their laws, measurement parameters and reach
- Methods of cross-media marketing (customer journey)
- Campaign planning and implementation
- Target group research and audience development
- Multi-sensory target group approach
- Perspectives on the attention economy
- Conception and design of audiovisual content for online and mobile media.
- Development of multimedia prepared content for digital platforms and devices (smartphone, tablet, computer and other networked screens)
- Application of media dramaturgy to non-fictional content
- Conception, production and publication of audiovisual online media content
- The students are empowered to experiment with new digital narrative forms (postcast, videocast, webcast).
- Audiovisual skills: Technical, creative and narrative skills in the production of video, audio and photo content for online media
- 2-D animation and coding, creation of websites, content management systems
- The students can assess the challenges of a cross-media campaign and its potential for impact
- They know about the target groups and how they can be reached.
- They are able to plan, implement and evaluate cross-media measures and campaigns.
- The students are able to produce audiovisual content (video / moving image, information visualization and animation) with the help of audio and video technology as well as software tools.
- They are familiar with storytelling techniques and can tell stories across platforms (storytelling for audiovisual media formats, web documentation, podcasts, animations and social media content)
- They are able to develop interactive narrative formats.
- They are able to observe developments and trends in the communications industry and to reflect them critically.
Lectures with presentations, exercises, teamwork, individual and team coaching
Project in a team, reflection work (individual)
- Blom, Philipp (2020): Das grosse Welttheater. Von der Macht der Vorstellungskraft in Zeiten des Umbrüche. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag.
- Odell, Jenny (2021): Nichts tun. Die Kunst, sich der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie zu entziehen. München: C.H. Beck.
- Kim, Otto; Köhler, Andreas (2018): Crossmedialität im Journalismus und in der Unternehmenskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
- Hooffacker, Gabriele; Wolf, Cornelia (2017): Technische Innovationen – Medieninnovationen? Herausforderungen für Kommunikation, Konzepte und Nutzerforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
- Schultz, Stefan (2007): Brücken über den Medienbruch. Crossmediale Strategien zeitgenössischer Printmedien auf Unternehmens-, Redaktions-, Inhalts- und Markenebene. Entwicklung eines Theoriemodells und Anwendung dessen auf das Fallbeispiel „Spiegel“. Münster: LIT-Verlag.
- Mahrdt, Niklas (2009): Crossmedia - Werbekampagnen erfolgreich planen und umsetzen. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
- Plank, Christiane (2011): Public Relations - crossmedial. Bremen: Falkenberg.
- Kracke, Bernd (2001): Crossmedia-Strategien - Dialog über alle Medien. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
- Boluminski, Jan (2009): Crossmediale Kommunikation. POS-Manager Technology 3.
Face-to-face instruction with mandatory attendance