Innovative Methods
Degree programme | Social Work |
Subject area | Social Work & Health |
Type of degree | Bachelor Full-time Summer Semester 2025 |
Course unit title | Innovative Methods |
Course unit code | 048502041106 |
Language of instruction | English |
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) | Compulsory |
Teaching hours per week | 2 |
Year of study | 2025 |
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum | |
Number of ECTS credits allocated | 2 |
Name of lecturer(s) | Martina EISENDLE, Lester SOYZA |
Prerequisites for Incomings: Basic knowledge of Social Work (or related programmes such as Social Pedagogy)
Innovative international social work methods; Relevance of different contextual settings; Developing methods through skills training; Recognized social work methods: empirical social work practice, anti-oppressive practice, radical practice and methods from the global south.
- undertake critical analyse of the development of international methods and reflect on their contextual relevance;
- understand the development and application of radical social work practice;
- think critically about the impact that methods of practice have on social work to broaden their understanding and knowledge base;
- understand the basic principles of internationally recognised social work methods and apply them in case studies;
- develop techniques and interventions for anti-oppressive social work practice;
- reflect on their values and professional attitudes
Theoretical input, exercises, case studies and literature review
Presentation with written documentation
Dominelli, Lena (2006): Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. 31. 4. Aufl. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (= Sozialmagazin: die Zeitschrift für soziale Arbeit.).
Dollinger, Bernd; Raithel, Jürgen (2006): Aktivierende Sozialpädagogik: ein kritisches Glossar. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Dreikosen, Denise (2009): „Radical Social Work: A Call to Link Arms." In: Journal of Progressive Human Services Journal of Progressive Human Services, 20 (2009), H. 2, S. 107-109.
Fook, Jan (2016): Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice. 3. Aufl. London: SAGE.
Heiner, Maja (1998): Methodisches Handeln in der sozialen Arbeit. 4. Aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau: Lambertus.
Gray, Mel; Webb, Stephen A (2013): Social work theories and methods. 2. Aufl. London: SAGE.
Hick, Steven F (2009): Mindfulness and social work. Chicago, Ill.: Lyceum Books.
Rathgeb, Kerstin (2012): Disability Studies: Kritische Perspektiven für die Arbeit am Sozialen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Straub, Ute (2013): „Anti-Oppressive Practice in der Sozialen Arbeit." In: Sozialmagazin, (2013), H. Vol 31, S. 24-29.
Staub-Bernasconi, Silvia; Uni-Taschenbücher GmbH (2018): Soziale Arbeit als Handlungswissenschaft: auf dem Weg zu kritischer Professionalität. 2. Aufl. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
Wagner, Leonie (2009): Internationale Perspektiven sozialer Arbeit: Dimensionen, Themen, Organisationen. 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss.