Research Trip
Degree programme | Social Work |
Subject area | Social Work & Health |
Type of degree | Master Part-time Summer Semester 2025 |
Course unit title | Research Trip |
Course unit code | 058425040101 |
Language of instruction | English |
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) | Compulsory |
Teaching hours per week | 2 |
Year of study | 2025 |
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum | |
Number of ECTS credits allocated | 3 |
Name of lecturer(s) | Viktoria REUSCHEL |
Prerequisites and accompanying conditions Courses from the previous semesters of modules 1, 2, 3 or 4
The final excursion of the Master's degree course in Social Work offers the opportunity to get to know other social professional organizations and social systems at a regionally, nationally or internationally selected location and to engage in a professional exchange. The focus is on clinical social work and social space work, whereby one specialization can be examined more intensively.
- the basic competence objectives in modules 2, 3 and 4 are brought together in an exemplary manner.
- the aim is to differentiate and critically reflect on knowledge management and competence development as well as the expansion of understanding in societal and socio-political developments in the transnational field.
- the aim of the research trip is to recognize that socio-political and societal decisions can be influenced by professionally sound results.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to
- name, differentiate and categorize the transfer between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation in socio-political terms
- reflect on the knowledge acquired during their studies in relation to social practice in a living environment to be researched
- systematically analyse how social profit organizations, social and socio-political developments interact and understand, recognize and name them
- understand the importance of scientifically based lines of
- Field trip to a regionally, nationally or internationally selected location with a visit to relevant social profit organizations or NGOs
- Keynote speeches
- Immanent (or final if unable to attend) examination character
- responsibility for the content of individual key topics
- keynote speeches on site
- reports afterwards
- attendance/participation
- The costs for the research trip are to be borne individually by the students.
- a preliminary discussion will take place.
- compulsory attendance: instead of participating in the field trip, a seminar paper of at least 30,000 - 40,000 characters including spaces (excluding the characters of the cover sheet, table of contents, tables and other lists in the appendix) must be prepared as a substitute.
Gemeinnützige Organisationen in der Praxis die häufigsten Irrtümer von Vereinen und anderen NPOs 2. Auflage). (2019). dbv-Verlag.
Herbe, D., & Palsherm, I. (2023). Das neue Bürgergeld: Die rechtlichen Neuregelungen (1. Auflage). Nomos.
Stranzinger, T., Kuhn, C., Kovacs, K., & Hofer, C. (2017). Non-Profit-Organisationen: Rechtsformen, Rechnungslegung & Steuern, Finanzberichterstattung, Aufsicht & Prüfung, Spendenfinanzierung. MANZ´sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung.
Werner, G. W. (2018). Einkommen für alle: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen - die Zeit ist reif (1. Auflage der überarbeiteten, aktualisierten und erweiterten Neuausgabe). Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
Socialplatform (2020): Webseite der socialplatform. Online im Internet: