Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Current Discurses in Social Work

Degree programme Social Work
Subject area Social Work & Health
Type of degree Master
Summer Semester 2025
Course unit title Current Discurses in Social Work
Course unit code 058425340203
Language of instruction German
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Elective
Teaching hours per week 2
Year of study 2025
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4
Name of lecturer(s) Anja KERLE, Alexander REHM
Requirements and Prerequisites

Courses from the previous semester of module 2 (social work).

Course content

The course will provide an insight into the current discourses in the profession and discipline of social work. Exemplarily, the topic of climate justice and social work will be dealt with, as well as queer feminist perspectives. In addition to conveying or deepening theoretical foundations on the two main topics, possibilities and potentials for social work will be developed along various fields of action.

  • Climate justice as a relevant perspective of social work
  • The impact of the climate crisis for different target groups (e.g. people experiencing poverty, children and youth) 
  • The relationship between social work and social movements in the context of the climate crisis/ or queer feminism
  • The relevance of queerfeminist and heteronormativity-critical perspectives for social work in different fields of action (e.g. work with children and adolescents)
  • Reflecting on one's own social positioning in the context of the issues of climate justice and heteronormativity critique 
  • To discuss the political mandate of social work on the basis of current discourses (e.g. climate justice; queer feminism) and to develop concrete possibilities of action for structural change
Learning outcomes

After successfully completing the course, students can:

  • comprehend, analyze and differentiate different discourses in social work (especially critical social work, gender discourse in social work, climate justice.)
  • reflect on a social problem or a current, topic-specific discourse in social work in a theory-based way.
  • classify exemplary discourses in social work situationally and contextually and use them to describe, analyze and, if necessary, solve social problems
  • develop concrete options for action, which take into account the perspectives of the addressees as well as the political mandate of social work
  • interpret conclusions from different current discourses in social work and derive and initiate appropriate interventions
Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Integrated course:

  • input
  • Excursion
  • discussions
  • reflextions
Assessment methods and criteria
  • Learning diary
  • immanent examination character
  • Elaboration/application of a concrete method of structural change in the thematic field of queer feminism or climate justice.
  • The selection takes place in the third semester. Option to choose between courses in Current Discourses or courses from the Design and Creative Leadership programme.
  • Obligation to attend: In the event of absenteeism, the rules of the study and examination regulations apply
Recommended or required reading

Braune, M (2017): Ziviler Ungehorsam. Texte von Thoreau bis Occupy. Reclam.

Burzlaff, M. & Eifler, N. (2016): Queer (Theory) und Soziale Arbeit. In: Soziale Arbeit (65, nr. 2), S. 49-56.

Krauthausen, R.; Schwarz, B. (2021): Wie kann ich etwas bewegen? Die Kraft des konstruktiven Aktivismus. Körber

Laufenberg, Mike (2022): Queere Theorien zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius

Liedholz, Y. (2021): Berührungspunkte von Sozialer Arbeit und Klimawandel. Perspektiven und Handlungsspielräume. Budrich

Perko, G.; Czollek, L. (2022): Lehrbuch Gender, Queer und Diversity (2. Vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Beltz Juventa

Prasad, Nivedita (2023)(Hrsg.): Methoden struktureller Veränderung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Utb Verlag 

Pfaff, T; Schramkowski, B.; Lutz, R. (2022) (Hrsg.): Klimakrise, Sozialökologischer Kollaps und Klimagerechtigkeit. Spannungsfelder für Soziale Arbeit. Beltz Juventa 

Pfaff, T (2022). Soziale Arbeit im Angesicht des soialökologischen Kollapses. Widerstand als Selbstverständnis sozialarbeiterischer Präventionspraxis. In: Pfaff, Tino; Schramkowski, Barbara; Lutz, Roland (Hrsg.): Klimakrise, Sozialökologischer Kollaps und Klimagerechtigkeit. Spannungsfelder für Soziale Arbeit. Beltz Juventa

Von Redecker, Eva (2020): Revolution für das Leben. Philosophie der neuen Protestformen. Berlin: Fischer Verlag

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Presence teaching combined with distance learning