Sustainable Energy Systems - Project Work
Degree programme | Sustainable Energy Systems |
Subject area | Engineering Technology |
Type of degree | Master part-time |
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) | Compulsory |
Course unit code | 072722230502 |
Teaching units | 30 |
Year of study | 2025 |
Name of lecturer(s) | Klaus RHEINBERGER, Peter KEPPLINGER |
As part of this course, each student works on a specific, current problem from the field of "Sustainable Energy Systems". In the course, the application of methods learned for the Master's thesis and professional practice is practiced. The focus is on the project arc from the initial situation to the choice of methodology and implementation of the project to critical reflection on the results.
The individual and specific tasks are derived, for example, from
- a problem from their own professional practice
- a problem from courses or research articles
- a topic from the Energy Research Center or other research centers at FH Vorarlberg
The focus is on the application of learned methods of analysis, modelling and optimization of technical, economic, ecological and coupled systems. Project results can serve as preliminary work for the Master's thesis.
At the end of this course, students are familiar with the process of transferring methods learned during their studies to specific problems, analyzing and critically questioning the results.
The students
- can classify the problem under consideration in the context of what they have learned during their studies
- are able to derive a methodology from the problem.
- can use the methodology to carry out the project and produce results.
- understand the limitations and assumptions of the problem under consideration and the results and can point these out.
- are able to systematically process the approaches used and the results achieved in their own project work.
Integrated Course:
- Coaching
- Discussion
- Presentation with feedback
Immanent examination character:
- ongoing presentations
- participation in discussions
- project documentation
Specialist literature, further learning resources and aids depend on the selected topic. In general, the following textbooks may be helpful to support scientific project work:
- Stock, Steffen u.a. (Hrsg.) (2018): Erfolgreich wissenschaftlich arbeiten: alles, was Studierende wissen sollten. 2., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin, Germany: Springer Gabler.
- Ahrens, Volker (2014): Abschlussarbeiten richtig gliedern: in Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Wirtschaft. Zürich: vdf, Hochschulverl. an der ETH (= UTB Schlüsselkompetenzen).
Presence course with compulsory attendance