Energy Project - Business Plan

Degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems
Subject area Engineering Technology
Type of degree Master part-time
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Compulsory
Course unit code 072722230701
Teaching units 30
Year of study 2025
Name of lecturer(s) Anna KNORR, Gerhard HUBER, Michael VOGT, Thomas Stefan ROßKOPF-NACHBAUR
Requirements and Prerequisites


Course content

Student teams each develop an energy technology product from the idea to the prototype. They carry out all phases of product development including project management, internal and external communication and documentation in three semesters. In the 3rd semester the following topics have priority:

  •     Test, monitoring, evaluation
  •     Optimisation
  •     Business Plan
  •     Technical Documentation
  •     Methods of User Centered Design
  •     Presentation techniques
Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the students will be able to evaluate and improve their prototypes produced in the previous semester. They can create technical documentation and develop a business plan for a real product. The students

  • know the requirements for technical documentation
  • are able to prepare a report on the results of their project and their prototypes
  • can monitor, evaluate and optimize their product on the basis of their findings
  • can explain the challenges between project idea, prototype and marketable product. You know methods to design a product customer specific.
  • are able to perform an environment analysis for a potential product
  • can create a business plan for their product
  • can use presentation techniques to present project results
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
  • Independent project work (learning by doing) in teams
  • Team and individual coaching
  • Business games
  • Exchange between projects (presentations, team feedback)
  • Methodological/technical inputs as required
Assessment methods and criteria

The grade is composed of an assessment of the group and an assessment of the performance of the individuals. The group assessment is made by written submissions (documentation, activity report, reflection or similar), written presentations (flyers, posters or similar), or oral presentations (lectures, defence before jury) on the following topics:

  • Optimized prototype
  • Business Plan
  • Presentation/sale of the result
  • Project Results/Project Status

The individual assessment is carried out by submitting written documentation of the activities carried out at the end of each semester, which is summarised in project documentation for the entire team. If necessary, a reflection discussion will also be held.



Recommended or required reading
  • Becker, Hans Paul (2016): Investition und Finanzierung: Grundlagen der betrieblichen Finanzwirtschaft. 7., aktualisierte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler (= Lehrbuch).
  • Herbes, Carsten (Hrsg.) (2015): Handbuch Finanzierung von Erneuerbare-Energien-Projekten. Konstanz: UVK-Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Schramm, Dana Melanie; Carstens, Asmus Jakob (2014): Startup-Crowdfunding und Crowdinvesting: ein Guide für Gründer ; mit Kapital aus der Crowd junge Unternehmen online finanzieren. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
  • Strauß, Erik (2015): Praxishandbuch Start-up-Management: von der Idee zum erfolgreichen Unternehmen. 1. Aufl. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Presence event with compulsory attendance