Network Development 2030 - Phase I 


In the project "Grid Development 2030 - Phase I" commissioned by Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH (VNE), the aim is to fathom the impact of PV and electromobility on the distribution grid in the Vorarlberg region until 2030. 

Based on the algorithms for time-series-based mass simulation of low-voltage grids already developed by the FHV, the collaboration of the project grid-development-mission-2030continues, flanking the ongoing digitization process of the company partner VNE. 

Grafik der Netzentwicklung der ersten Phase | © FHV

Project goal 


Researchers at the Energy research centre are working with experts from the regional grid operator in one of a total of five subprojects to develop sustainable approaches to grid planning and operation through coupled simulations of low- and medium-voltage grids. Forward-looking scenario considerations provide information about necessary investments in the grids and allow solution-oriented analysis of promising grid components such as intelligent charging points for e-cars and intelligent transformer stations.  


project nameNetwork Development 2030 - Phase 1
Customer:inVorarlberger Energienetze GmbH
Project duration1.05.2022 - 31.12.2023
Project budget80,000.00 EUR


Kepplinger Peter | © Nina Bröll & FHV
Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter KEPPLINGER
Head of illwerke vkw Endowed Professorship for Energy Efficiency, Head of Research Centre Energy