Our workshops and laboratories
Design is not only a creative activity but also demanding mental work. However, with the right technology at hand, this process becomes an inspiring and joyful adventure!
Our state-of-the-art specialized facilities provide you with the ideal environment to work on your projects during your design studies. With cutting-edge technical equipment, including Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Sound Workshop, Video Lab, Analog Workshop, and much more, we enable you to work at the highest level."

In the analog workshop, students have access to materials in the area of drawing and sketching (e.g., drawing paper, tracing paper, watercolor paper, gray board, cardboard, canvas...) with a wide variety of techniques (e.g., pencil, graphite, charcoal, chalk, ink, ink, watercolor...). Students can experiment here with the themes of writing, form, color, grid and language and use both the spatiality and the material for a wide variety of projects in their studies.
Exploring language, formulating texts for different media channels, storytelling, and creative writing, is also part of this.

Photography is more than just pressing the shutter button on an iPhone. It is a highly creative medium that opens up the possibility of staging, documenting or relativizing, among other things. In this workshop, craft basics such as time and aperture, technical aspects of studio photography, and photography as a means of expressing feelings and moods can be tried out.

In order to interactively, i.e. in interaction, operate a software interface, website or device, an interface is needed. To build such an interface, that is, to program it, we need tools and must master them. In this workshop students can delve into the basics of programming for designers and build a bridge between Design and Engineering and Technology.
In addition, the Lab can be used to design and build prototypes. Milling and grinding machines, soldering stations, 3-printers and lasers help.

The Mac rooms and AV Lab are equipped with specialized software for the design field and are available to students 24/7.

Students can learn a basic knowledge of sound design and sound engineering in the sound workshop. In addition to a podcast station, the studio also offers the opportunity to record sounds in a study environment and experiment with various musical instruments (drums, guitars, bass, synthesizers"

The Videolab is top equipped with green screen, multi-camera technology and mobile control room. All moving image projects can be implemented here. The necessary equipment can be borrowed by the students free of charge.

In this laboratory, students can explore two areas of focus: 3D and Virtual Worlds. 3D computer graphics and animation opens up endless creative possibilities from visualizing ideas and products, to animating virtual objects or characters, to manifesting digital designs using 3D printing. This workshop will allow you to get a taste of the variety of applications for 3D graphics.
Students can explore a wide variety of questions: How is interactive and virtual content created and designed? What possibilities do current devices such as SmartPhones, Smart Glasses and laser projectors offer for perceiving our environment and enhancing it with digital design? How can the three-dimensional world around us be augmented with virtual information for real-time support? What methods, concepts and technologies exist to convey content in a playful way? How are games designed, developed and created that can motivate us in everyday life and work?