Knowledge Management (E)
Degree programme | International Business |
Subject area | Business and Management |
Type of degree | Bachelor full-time |
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) | Elective |
Course unit code | 025008052211 |
Teaching units | 30 |
Year of study | 2025 |
Name of lecturer(s) | Christina LIERZER, Mathias NUßBAUMER |
- Distinction between data, information, knowledge, implicit and explicit knowledge
- Representation of semantic relationships using ontologies
- Knowledge spiral according to Nonaka and Takeuchi, Seci model
- Communication and interaction processes for knowledge generation and development
- Knowledge management systems and their introduction
- Problem areas of knowledge management
- Knowledge (management) and power
- Communities of practice
- Methods for knowledge acquisition and representation in knowledge management systems and expert systems
- Rule-based expert systems
- Current challenges for companies in the field of knowledge management
Knowledge management deals with the acquisition, development, transfer, storage and use of knowledge. Work-sharing organisational forms with specialist knowledge have high demands on effective knowledge management, which is also a critical success factor for companies.
The students know the connections between the different levels of knowledge and their development, know the difference between tacit and explicit knowledge. They understand the process of knowledge generation and can reproduce it using a case study. The understanding of structural conditions and individual prerequisites for a successful knowledge management system are developed. Existing knowledge management examples can be reflected on in a theory-based way, criticism as well as suggestions for improvement can be named.
The students can distinguish between the different aggregate states of knowledge. They can assess in which cases expert systems can be helpful and can set up and implement simple rules for an expert system.
The students know the benefits and the costs associated with the introduction of knowledge management systems in companies. They can transfer a knowledge management spiral to a case study and trace it in a simulation. The cornerstones for the establishment of a community of practice can be named and assessed with regard to their effects. The students can read and create ontologies based on their own economic domain knowledge. They can generate proposals for possible knowledge management concepts on the basis of a given operational situation.
Interactive course with lecture, case studies, exercises in individual and group work, presentations and homework.
Pre-assignment, participation during the seminar in the form of contributions and short presentations (individual or group assignments), post-assignment, individual weighting as determined by the instructors, announcement at the beginning of the semester
Nonaka, Kujiro; Takeuchi, Hirotaka (1997): Die Organisation des Wissens - Wie japanische Unternehmen eine brachliegende Ressource nutzbar machen. Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag.
Zboralski, Katja (2007): Wissensmanagement durch Communites of Practice. Berlin: Springer.
Winkler, Katrin; Mandl, Heinz (2007): Implementation of Knowledge Management in Organizations. Berlin: Springer.
Stuckenschmidt, Heiner (2011): Ontologien: Konzepte, Technologien und Anwendungen. Berlin: Springer.
Gottlob, Georg u.a. (Hrsg.) (2013): Expertensysteme. Berlin: Springer.
Classes with compulsory attendance