Climate: behavior? Design!

Info about the event

Wednesday, June 25, 2025

08:30 - 17:00

FHV, Building G, Room G0 12/13 (Campus map)

What can you expect

Take part in our conference and learn about the latest developments and research findings on climate-relevant behavior and design. Look forward to exciting workshops on greening, innovation and other climate change adaptation strategies. Be inspired by our poster exhibition and make valuable contacts while networking.


08:30 am Registration
09:00 am Welcome
With Guido Kempter, Head of the Human-Centred Technologies research center (FHV) and Martina Rüscher, State Councillor (Vorarlberg State Government)
09:15 am

Climate crisis finally solved
With Martin Moder, molecular biologist (ScienceBuster)

10:00 am Climate-friendly and sustainable healthcare: Challenges, opportunities and strategies
With Ruperta Lichtenecker, Head of Department Competence Center Climate and Health - Climate Neutrality and Sustainable Transformation (GÖG)
10:30 am Pause & Poster
11:00 am

Climate, professions and me
With Nina Kaufmann, Project Manager (Amazone Association)

11:30 am

KLINGEL - Older people & heat: How simple measures can help
With Marcel Butterweck, CEO (Butterweck KG)

12:00 pm

Heat protection alliances - Together for a heat-resilient Vorarlberg
With Marlene Brettenhofer, Project Manager Health Education (aks Gesundheit GmbH)

12:30 pm

Lunch break & poster

01:30 pm

Workshops (maximum 20 people each):

  • "How to get green on the roof" with Katrin Löning, authorized signatory (pulswerk GmbH)
  • "SMARTER LIVES - Innovation made easy" with Manfred Kofler, Institute for Management and Marketing (University of Innsbruck)
  • "Blue-green voyage of discovery" with Gudrun Sturn, landscape architect (FRAU STURN)
  • "Climate change adaptation in the community" with Regina Bertsch, communities & regions (Energy Institute Vorarlberg)
  • "Playful climate" with Karin Trommelschläger, Senior Researcher Research center Human-Centred-Technologies (FHV)
  • "Green Cool Schools. In 7 steps to successful school greening" with Jelena Gaspar, landscape planner and architect (B-NK GmbH)
03:00 pm

Pause & poster

03:30 pm

Workshop leader pitches

03:45 pm

For a cool breeze: What spatial planning has to contribute!
With Andrea Weninger, Managing Director (Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH)

04:15 pm

Rhesi - equipped for climate change
With Markus Mähr, Overall Project Manager (International Rhine Regulation)

04:45 pm

"Green Slam" & Handover uDay XXIV
With Ines Strohmaier, poetry slammer

05:00 pm

Final & networking

Event language



All interested parties are cordially invited to take part in the event. Employees in municipalities and spatial planning are particularly welcome


Participation in the event is free of charge. Registration is required, please use the following link:

Submissions for the poster exhibition

Contributions for the poster exhibition can be submitted as extended abstracts (2-3 pages). Registration is already possible under the following link, the exact phases will be announced soon. The submission phase starts on March 17, 2025


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