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Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Regine Kadgien elected Head of the Board

The previous FHV Rector Prof. (FH) Dr. Dipl. Psychologist Tanja Eiselen will retire on December 1st.

At the FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences there is a change in the leadership of the college after eight years. Starting October 1st, 2024 Regine Kadgien is the successor to Tanja Eiselen.

At the Head of the Board meeting on September 24th, Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Regine Kadgien was elected Head of the Board of the FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. On October 1st, 2024 the 53-year-old replaces Prof. (FH) Dr. Dipl. Psych. Tanja Eiselen, who held this position from 2016 to 2024. Regine Kadgien started as a university lecturer for computer science at the FHV in 2002. To date, she has been head of the computer science program and head of the computer sciences department in the technology department. Regine Kadgien is a long-standing member of the Board. From 2006 to 2011 she held the position of vice-rector at the FHV. In 2022 she was honored by the state of Vorarlberg for her achievements in awakening enthusiasm for technology and computer science among young people. Regine Kadgien, born Bolter, completed the HTL for Electronics and Communications Engineering in Rankweil and graduated with distinction. She then studied telematics at the Graz University of Technology, where she received her doctorate in technical sciences with distinction in 2001.


Promoting internationalization

The newly elected FHV rector is ready for the new challenges. “Together with the Board, we will modernize our study programmes. It is important to me to establish high quality in the examinations and a positive feedback culture, and thus to achieve a high level of satisfaction for everyone involved - students, teachers and also business and society. “I would also like to integrate the European University even more closely into regular operations and promote internationalization,” says the Koblach native, explaining her goals. 

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FHV, President of the Vorarlberg Parliament Mag. Harald Sonderegger, welcomed the election of Regine Kadgien and sees her as a competent successor to Tanja Eiselen. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tanja Eiselen for her excellent work as head of the college. Working with her was extremely pleasant and constructive. She has profitably incorporated her many years of experience and excellent networking in the university sector into her work. I congratulate Regine Kadgien on her election. She brings a lot of experience in university teaching and digitalization to the advertised position and is also an expert in the European higher education area.”

The CEO of the FHV, Mag. Stefan Fitz-Rankl, was also pleased: “I am really looking forward to working with Regine Kadgien. The university benefits from her many years of experience in the higher education sector and her excellent networking with business, society and science. For me as managing director, the election of Regine Kadgien as Head of the Board means that we will constructively continue the further development of the university.”


Review Tanja Eiselen

The long-time FHV rector Tanja Eiselen was elected in both 2016 and 2020 and looks back on an eight-year term of office: “The first four years were characterized by projects and initiatives to increase the quality of teaching, especially adapting to increasing digitalization. Online teaching, self-directed teaching and learning, and student-centeredness were topics that needed to be promoted. Due to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in 2020, innovation in teaching and learning offerings at the university gained enormous momentum almost overnight and we can now rely on a solid support system.”

Milestone TELL Center
A milestone in Eiselen's second term in office was the founding of the TELL Center (Teaching Excellence & Lifelong Learning), in which subject experts and representatives from all disciplines work. “This was achieved not least because the FHV was appointed a European University by the European Commission in 2020 as a member of the Regional University Network,” said the German native and further emphasized: “I wish my successor Regine Kadgien every success in the further development of our university. There are still many topics on the agenda, from future skills in the study programmes to the consolidation of the European University to the constant adaptation of the study programmes to the challenges of society and the educational landscape. I am sure that she will succeed in this very well together with the staff, the course directors and university lecturers, the service staff and the managing director, who has always supported me.” After a handover period, Tanja Eiselen will retire on December 1st.

Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Regine Kadgien 

Professional Experience:
Since 2023 Member of the jury for the Vorarlberg State Science Prize
Since 2016 Process manager for the teaching and examinations process areas at the FHV
2009-2018 Expert for the European higher education area
2006-2011 Vice Rector for Teaching
Since 2005 Professor at a university of applied sciences
Since 2003 Head of the computer science program and member of the teaching staff
2002 University lecturer for computer science at the FHV

2022 Awarding of the Great Medal of Merit of the State of Vorarlberg for achievements in awakening enthusiasm for technology and IT among young people

Doctorate in Telematics (with distinction), TU Graz
Diploma in Telematics, TU Graz (2nd diploma examination with distinction)
HTL Rankweil for Electronics (with distinction)

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