
Living cultural heritage as a learning field for social negotiation processes and social cohesion (LeKuLab)


Initial situation 

The constant transmission and updating of intangible cultural heritage is based on social and communicative negotiation processes between its bearers. The completed two-year IBH project "IMMOERBO" showed that the (implicit) knowledge of carriers of intangible cultural heritage in particular contributes to social participation. This knowledge can serve as a learning field for other social settings and systems.

Lebendiges Kulturerbe als Lernfeld für soziale Aushandlungsprozesse und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt | © Verlagshaus Schwellbrunn/Carmen Wueest


The purpose of the two-year research transfer project LeKuLab is to investigate the knowledge for action outlined above in connection with social cohesion and thus the social dimension of living cultural heritage. The aim is to make existing knowledge usable and transferable for practical applications in the field of promoting participation and civic involvement.


The case studies of the Constance Carnival and Urnäscher Silvesterchlausen are used to examine the prerequisites, framework conditions and processes of action knowledge in the context of tradition cultivation. The continuous research-practice transfer is an essential component of the participatory research project and enables a direct, demand-oriented and relevant transfer of knowledge. The knowledge transfer is implemented as part of ongoing workshops with the team of experts.

Project phases:

The project will run from 01.09.2023 to 31.08.2025 over three phases, during which the five planned workshops will be implemented


Project name

(LeKuLab) - Living cultural heritage as a learning field for social negotiation processes
and social cohesion

Project manager FHV

Fabian A. Rebitzer

Project team

Robert Moosbrugger (FHV), Leticia Labaronne (ZHAW, head of overall project),
Liliana Heimberg (ZHdK), Brian Switzer (HTWG Konstanz)

Project duration 01.09.2023 to 31.08.2025
Funding provider

Science network of the four-country region of Lake Constance

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