Prof. (FH) Dr. Martin HEBERTINGER

Programme Director Bachelor International Business and Vice Head of Board

Mitarbeiterfoto von Hebertinger Martin | © Nina Bröll

3 Questions - 3 Answers


What is the essence of your job as Head of degree programme and (new since February 2025) Deputy Head of the College and what fascinates you about it?
Determining which subjects we include in the International Business Administration degree programme and which teachers teach them is the job of a programme director. There is a lot of room for manoeuvre here, and at the same time I can make a direct contribution within the framework of my own courses. I have a great development team to support me with the content of the programme and my valued administration team, with whom I really enjoy working together, for the operational implementation.

Within the faculty, I see myself not only as a deputy but also as a project manager who relieves Rector Regine Kadgien. I also take responsibility for university-wide initiatives and development processes. Together with the Rector and the management, we are maintaining the successful course that the FHV has been pursuing for 30 years: We develop tailor-made study programmes for our local labour market. We offer application-orientated research for companies and society here in the region. As part of the European University RUN-EU, we create the best opportunities for students and employees.


Which trends in your field do you find particularly interesting and in which subject areas are you particularly involved?
In addition to the ‘major topic of digitalisation and AI’, as a university lecturer in accounting and finance, I am also interested in ‘non-financial reporting’, i.e. the newly emerging corporate reporting to record the ecological and social impact of corporate activities. Keyword sustainability reporting and ESG reporting.


What would you like to pass on to your students and what should they bring with them?
I would like them to enjoy the subject. A passion for business topics, the willingness to never stop learning and adapting. Our students should bring a genuine interest in business administration, curiosity and a willingness to experiment. And the mindset that a university degree programme requires significantly more initiative and personal responsibility than was perhaps a dear habit in the school years before...




Publications during the time at the FH Vorarlberg: OPUS

Publications overall:

  • Experiences in ‘distance learning’ based on student reflection papers, in: Behringer (ed.): CARF Lucerne 2021 - Controlling.Accounting.Risk.Finance, Konferenzband, Luzern 2021, pp. 335-350 (together with Jonathan Jancsary and Falko Wilms)
  • Substanzwert, in: Handwörterbuch der Rechnungslegung und Prüfung (HWRP), ed. by Wolfgang Ballwieser/Adolf G. Coenenberg/Klaus v. Wysocki, Stuttgart 2002, pp. 2330-2336
  • Value Based Management: Lösungsansätze zur Schließung von Implementierungslücken, in: Finanz Betrieb, 5. Jg. (2003), pp. 360-372 (together with Christian Aders and Florian Wiedemann)
  • Shareholder Value Concepts - Implementation at DAX100 Companies, in: Finanz Betrieb, 5th Jg. (2003), pp. 719-725 (together with Christian Aders, Christian Schaffer and Florian Wiedemann)
  • Risk-adjusted or risk-free capital costs in value contribution concepts? in: Finanz Betrieb, 7th vol. (2005), 159-166 (together with Louis Velthuis and Matthias Schabel) 
  • Welcher Wert? - Der Wertbegriff in Rechnungslegung, Steuerrecht und Unternehmensbewertung, in: Dobler et al. (eds.): Rechnungslegung, Prüfung und Unternehmensbewertung, Stuttgart 2014, pp. 243-270 (together with Bernd Hacker and Jörg Hoffmann) 
  • Bewertung und Prüfung im Rahmen der Abwicklung, in: Jahn et al. (eds.): Handbuch Bankenrestrukturierung, Munich 2016, pp. 431-458 (together with Gudrun Hoppenburg and Timo Schuck)
  • Einsatz eines haptischen Planspiels mit cloudbasierter Unterstützung in einer BWL-Einführungsveranstaltung, in: Nadig/Egle (eds.): CARF Luzern 2018 - Controlling.Accounting.Risiko.Finanzen.., Konferenzband, Lucerne 2018, pp. 330-351 (together with Markus Ilg)
  • Key Performance Indicators bei börsenkotierten Unternehmen - eine aktuelle Praxiserhebung, in: IRZ, 15. Jg. (2020), pp. 457-460 (together with Marco Gehrig and Lenka Sedlarik)

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