Infoevening at FHV


Wednesday, April 24th 2024

5 - 8 p.m  
FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Campus V, Hochschulstraße 1, 6850 Dornbirn  
Information and advice at the information booths for all Master's degree programs  
additional presentations of the study programs and campus tours  

Information infoevening at FHV 24th April

With the infoevening you have the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about your desired degree programme.

This awaits you...

  •     Structure of the respective degree programme
  •     Necessary requirements for your desired studies
  •     Career opportunities after graduation
  •     Students report on their experiences
  •     Live chat for questions


From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., you can find out everything about the different study options and how each degree programme is structured at the info points. The teams of the degree programmes and students will be happy to answer all your questions about the admission options and requirements, the requirements and career opportunities in person.

Presentation times of the study programs


time room study programm
6:40 pm  W2 11/12 Master Betriebswirtschaft / Master Business Administration
7:20 pm U2 04 Master International Management and Leadership *E

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