Research Output of Vorarlberg
Successful innovations of products and processes inspire corporate success and competitiveness. This is truly ensured by the appropriate protection of the invention. Because where promising innovations are not protected, they are copied. "Vorarlberg's innovative companies make particular use of this clear competitive advantage, from large companies to startups. This is confirmed by the high patent quota, an indicator of a region's innovation activity," explains Tina Blaser, property rights consultant at Business and Management Vorarlberg GmbH (WISTO). For many years, Vorarlberg has achieved an absolute top position here, both Austria-wide and internationally. "We advise companies and researchers in detail about the protection of their ideas and jointly conduct technology and patent searches."

A recent study by WIFO also provides evidence of the dynamic regional innovation system, which produces a great many - protected - innovations. In this location comparison, similarly structured, highly developed industrial regions were measured against Vorarlberg. According to this, Vorarlberg's patent quota is three times the average of these regions, which means second place after Stuttgart. In order for Vorarlberg to remain sustainably in the group of industrial "Innovation Leaders" in Europe, the innovation dynamic must continue to be pushed.
TOP inventors
. Regularly, the "great innovators" such as Julius Blum, Zumtobel and Tridonic can be found in the top patron rankings. But many Vorarlberg SMEs and startups also ensure their market success through proprietary developments, as the example of medical device manufacturer A.M.I. shows: Increased comfort for patients, pinpoint treatment by surgeons and technical superiority over competitors: all these advantages can be demonstrated by the artificial urethral sphincter "eUROmotion", which is being developed by A.M.I. for the treatment of urinary incontinence. "eUROmotion" is fully implanted into the body and protects against involuntary urine leakage by using a silicone cuff placed around the urethra to close the urethral cavity by applying pressure from the outside. The implant is operated, i.e. opened and closed, discreetly by the patient himself via a small remote control. In addition, the world's first and patent-pending electronic urinary sphincter offers invisible technical details, resulting in significant advantages for patients and surgeons. Martin Hohlrieder, CIO: "Patents secure exclusive marketing rights for the company. The challenge of developing a competitive product from the invention remains. Our product development team, led by Roland Huber, has succeeded impressively."
WISTO services for companies - property rights consulting
- Advice on the professional handling of property rights
- Support in the development of suitable property rights strategies
- Conducting patent searches as well as analyses of the state of the art
- Events on the topic of "Intellectual Property"
- Free initial consultation by a patent attorney within the framework of monthly patent consultation days
Tina Blaser
Property rights consultant at Business and Management Vorarlberg GmbH (WISTO)
Technology transfer and IPR
+43 (5572) 552 52-20
June 2022